Ayurveda can be defined as a system, which uses the inherent principles of nature, to help maintain health in a person by keeping the individual's body, mind and spirit in perfect equilibrium with nature. As per Acharya Charaka Ayu comprises of mind, body, senses and soul.
This traditional system is based on the theory of balancing the body, the soul and the mind. This balancing includes eating the right thing at the right time, adapting to daily lifestyle habits, daily mediation and maintaining purity of mind and soul.
Aim of Ayurveda
The aim of this system is to prevent the illness, heal the sick and preserve the life. This can be summed up as follows:
- "स्वस्थस्य स्वास्थ्य रक्षणं आतुरस्य विकार प्रशमनं"
Aim of Ayurveda can be achieved by adopting the right diet, daily regimen, lifestyle, actions and activities.
As Acharya Charaka said
- "धर्मार्थ काम मोक्षानाम आरोग्यं मूलं उत्तमं"
Health is one of the prerequisites for attaining “artha” or wealth, which is required for fulfilling individual or family needs or to help those who are deprived of wealth.
The other objective that has to be achieved is “kaama” or fulfilling various desires.
The ultimate aim of life is to attain “moksha” or salvation. As fulfillment of sensory desires will not end in the cycle of birth and death, one has to achieve mental maturity and grow beyond the sensory perceptions and desires.
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